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We Are Now a Licensed Continuing Education Provider

We Are Now a Licensed Continuing Education Provider

Birth Monopoly is excited to announce we are now a licensed Continuing Education Provider approved through the State of California Board of Registered Nursing, able to provide nursing contact hours within the U.S. That means we can help nurses, nurse midwives, and...

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Alabama Birth Centers: Action Call

Alabama Birth Centers: Action Call

Today, July 13, 2023, is the much-anticipated hearing in Montgomery, Alabama, about proposed birth center regulations in a state where there are currently zero.  As folks flood the hearing in person, we are hosting an action call via Zoom to support Alabama families'...

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5 Obstetric Violence Prevention Tips

5 Obstetric Violence Prevention Tips

5 Obstetric Violence Prevention Tips: 1. Don't assault someone while they're giving birth. 2. When you are attending someone giving birth and you don’t have permission to touch them, don’t touch them. 3. Use the Buddy System!  If it is difficult for you to stop...

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Black Lives Matter.

Black Lives Matter.

I keep hearing people ask, what can I do?? The good news is, Black-run organizations and Black individuals are the experts in how to serve their communities and are already doing it.

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A Midwife Changed My Life

A Midwife Changed My Life

May 5 is International Day of the Midwife. I remember my very first visit to the obstetrician.  I was young and naïve and alone, and a nurse laughed at me because I didn’t know I was supposed to get dressed after the doctor left the room.  I’d never been before, and...

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