Cristen loves speaking to parents, providers, and advocates on a range of topics including birth rights, obstetric violence, horizontal violence, and navigating maternity care.
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I hosted one of Cristen Pascucci’s daylong seminars. She blew us away and the day passed quickly as we enjoyed her wit and wisdom. I now feel equipped with the knowledge to be a force for change in my area.
Rebekah Porter, Conference Organizer, Empower Your Birth Nashville

Beyond informative, inspiring, and essential for any birth worker or advocate. Cristen Pascucci is continually insightful, passionate, and articulate. I learned more than I had hoped! This is knowledge that will carry into my doula work, and birth advocacy. Thank you, Birth Monopoly!
Alexandria, Los Angeles, California
Past Engagements
Keynote Speaker, Evidence Based Birth Annual Conference, “The Future of Maternity Care,” (September 2019)
Keynote Speaker, New Jersey Symposium for Physiologic Birth, “Defending the Birthing Family,” (November 2019)
Featured Speaker, Midwifery Matters Conference, Alberta Association of Midwives, “Building Solidarity & Civility in Midwifery: Moving Beyond Division,” Calgary, Alberta, Canada (September 2018)
Presenter, Obstetric Trauma Symposium, Allegheny Health Network, Pittsburgh, PA (April 2018)
Featured Speaker, Evidence Based Birth’s “Be the Change” Conference, “Horizontal Violence in Birth Work,” Lexington, KY (September 2017)
Featured Speaker, “Exposing the Violence: Power and Abuse in Maternity Care” sponsored by Charles Phelps Taft Research Center at University of Cincinnati, Luminous Bodywork Ltd, Cincinnati Birth and Parenting Network, Roots Wellness, and TummyTime!, Cincinnati, OH (October 2016)
Presenter, “Break the Silence,” Human Rights in Childbirth Europe Summit, Strasbourg, France (October 2016)
Host with L.A. Doula Project, Los Angeles Virtual Circle: “How Doulas Can Support the Legal Rights of Clients” (September 2016)
Keynote Speaker, Doulas of North America (DONA) ENGAGE Annual Conference: “Horizontal Violence & the Future of the Doula Profession,” Seattle, WA (July 2016)
Featured Speaker, Evidence Based Birth’s Kentucky Birth Summit: “Legal Rights of Childbearing Families,” Lexington, KY (May 2016)
Speaker, International Cesarean Awareness Network of Greater Cleveland, Women, Power, and Birth event: “Stand on Your Rights,” Cleveland, OH (April 2016)
Speaker, University of New Mexico Annual Women’s Health Conference: “American Childbirth: Exposing the Silence” and host: “OB trauma panel: Sharing of traumatic experiences using patient and provider case studies,” Albuquerque, NM (February 2016)
Host, Flock Yeah! Advanced Doula Training: “Human Rights & Horizontal Violence,” Albuquerque, NM (February 2016)
Keynote speaker, Colorado Doulas Association annual conference: “Horizontal Violence & the Future of the Doula Profession,” Denver, CO (November 2015)
Workshop host, Flock Yeah! Advanced Doula Training: “Advocacy, Respect, and Horizontal Violence,” Nashville, TN (September 2015)
Featured speaker, Birth Without Fear Meetup: “Respect in Birth,” Columbus, OH (May 2015)
Presenter, Empower Your Birth Conference: “The Empowered Consumer: Three Things Every Parent Should Know About Hospital Birth,” Nashville, TN (March 2015)
Round-table facilitator, Human Rights in Childbirth Conference, Blankenberge, Belgium (November 2014)
Host, Stand on Your Rights workshops: “Demystifying Legal Rights in Childbirth and How to Use Them,” a half-day class and discussion for mothers, birth professionals, advocates, and lawyers. Los Angeles, CA; Nashville, TN; Syracuse, NY; Albany, NY; Manhattan, NY; New Jersey (2014)
Keynote speaker, Empowering Fearless Birth Conference Nashville: “Three Keys to Standing on Your Rights in Childbirth,” Nashville, TN (March 2014)
Presenter, Birth Activist Retreat: “Human Rights in Childbirth” & “Media 101,” Salt Lake City, Utah (July 2013)