For Birth Professionals and Advocates
Be confident supporting your clients’ rights!

Cristen Pascucci
Founder, Birth Monopoly
You can do this!
For years, I have watched doulas and other professionals come out of births frustrated, upset, and disturbed as their clients’ wishes and needs are disregarded in the hospital–with a strong sense that something has been violated, but not sure exactly what words to put to it or what to do about it.
At the same time, I was working with lawyers and organizations around the U.S. and the world to help advance birth rights and even bring lawsuits in a few cases. I thought, if only doulas everywhere were educating and advocating for their clients on these basic rights, how much would change!
Knowing–really knowing–your clients’ rights and the context for those rights is a game changer. Truly understanding where those rights come from, and how they interact with other forces (like hospital or provider policy, routine practices, and the “safety of the baby”) gives you a sense of confidence so you can educate your clients and increase their confidence, too. You can have actual strategies to help them use their voices and be heard.
I created the first version of this class for Evidence Based Birth® Instructors in 2016, to help them become stronger advocates in helping their clients actually get the evidence-based care they wanted. Now, after many rave reviews, it’s available to the public–to get you from “I don’t know what to do,” to “I think I can do this!”–and to help you and your clients get back your power. You CAN do this.
“I am a Black Birth Sister providing services to a majority Black identifying audience. It is of critical importance for our community to have access to information that has the potential to save our lives, reduce harm done to us, and protect our vitality.
This course provided me with insight, practical tools, and possible solutions.
Swoon! I am so grateful for the work of Birth Monopoly!”
Aja Imani Clark, Business +
Birth Sister, Aja Imani, LLC
“This course helped me not only as a doula, but as an educator as well. I went from believing I understood the rights of birthing families to KNOWING I do.
I can speak and teach with calm confidence to students, clients and providers.
This course is revolutionizing maternity care. You can’t afford to miss out on it.”
Krysta Dancy MFT, CBD (CBI), Family & Birth Trauma Therapist, Founder/CEO Dancy Perinatal
“As an L&D nurse for over a decade, I feel like a light switch was just turned on. I just wish I had taken it sooner… and all OB professionals, too!
There are parts that were tough to swallow, but Cristen presents facts, stories, and solutions in a way that encourages growth and instills confidence.
This was a growth moment for me, for sure, and the most important, empowering class that I’ve taken all year.”
Mandy Irby, BSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, LCCE, The Birth Nurse
– 1.5 nursing contact hours through Evidence Based Birth®,
an approved provider with the Kentucky Board of Nursing
(geared toward doulas, childbirth educators, nurses, and CPMs)
– Downloadable handouts for use with clients,
including “How to Create an Advocacy Plan for Hospital Birth”
– Course reference and resource booklet
– A spot on our “Find a Know Your Rights Graduate” page,
for potential clients to find you
– Bonus video with 3 women who brought lawsuits for obstetric violence
– Our manual “How to File a Complaint for Mistreatment During Childbirth”
– Locked-in pricing for all future versions of the course
Watch: 2-minute course tour
Invest in a course that will impact every birth you attend in the future.
“I cannot say enough great things about this course.
It has laid the foundation of confidence to get the care my clients deserve.”
– Traci Weafer, Senior Advocate Doula, Doula Trainer & Mentor
Human Rights in Childbirth
What it means and how it differs from legal rights, and the landmark European case that defined the human right of the birthing person to make their own healthcare decisions
Enforcement of Rights
Overview of three primary avenues for recourse plus most recent important lawsuits
Informed Consent & Refusal
What this human and legal right means and ACOG’s position on it, common violations of rights, consent forms/hospital policy, and the concept of obstetric violence
Tactics, strategies, and ideas you can start using right away and for the long term
Factors in How Our Rights Are Treated
Tradition, Policies & Protocols, Paternalism, “Maternal-Fetal Conflict,” Provider Preference or Practice Style, Liability, Provider Trauma, and “Othering” & Racial Bias
+ Ongoing Learning
Online support from other students and live monthly video calls with Cristen
option 1: GET THE course right now
Know Your Rights on-demand video course, including handouts, references, and 1.5 contact hours
$99/one time
or $10/month x 12 months
option 2: GET THE FULL Membership
Know Your Rights on-demand video course
+ Obstetric Violence video course ($249 value! more info)
+ monthly facilitated group support calls
+ member-exclusive content
or $34/month
Since 2021, Birth Monopoly has provided over $5,000 in scholarships to birth workers of color for Know Your Rights training.
Thank you so much Cristen for this AMAZING information! I am LOVING how much these modules discuss “HUMANIZING the room” and trying to understand each other. The information on provider trauma was very eye opening to me and how important it is for us as doulas and birth workers to try to understand this trauma to better understand how to communicate and work with these providers. It is my goal to ‘learn how to work with trauma’ so I can provide better care and connections in the community.
S. P., Doula
This was such an eye opening course for me. We talk a lot about informed consent in my classes and this helped reaffirmed what we talk about. I feel learning about the actual law and our rights as people has given me so much more confidence in the conversations I’ve been having with my current students.
L.F., Doula
When I started out as a Doula, I never thought I had a right to speak up when I saw my clients being coerced or violated. I felt that doctors and nurses knew more than me, therefore I wasn’t “allowed” to say something. This course helped me learn how to speak up better for my clients, and to say it in a positive and truthful way.
M.B., Doula
This course has made me realize my power.
N.M., Doula
Can I get Continuing Education credit for this course?
Upon completion of an evaluation and quiz, 1.5 contact hours are provided through Evidence Based Birth®, an approved provider with the Kentucky Nursing Board. These are accepted by most doula, nursing, and midwifery programs; please check with your certifying body to make sure.
I'm a [parent/nurse]. Who can take this course?
Anyone is welcome to take the course with the understanding that the material is geared towards birth professionals, especially doulas. We encourage parents, nurses, and other medical professionals to engage with the course.
How long do I have access to the course?
You will have access to the course for one year from the date of purchase. Community members also get free access to the Obstetric Violence course, biweekly group support calls, and other materials like handouts and archived webinars. Community membership will automatically renew unless you cancel. For as long as you renew, you will always be locked in at the original price you paid and have access to updated versions of the course.
I'm with a doula group. Do you offer group discounts?
We offer group discounts of 10% off for groups of 5 or more. This discount does not apply to sale or promotional prices. Please contact us at if you are interested in making a group purchase.
What if I don't like the course?
Contact us at within 48 hours of purchase and we’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked. Because this is a digital product, we cannot offer refunds after 48 hours.
I still have a question...
Please email us at